Thursday, July 19, 2007

Where is our Next President? (The Democrats)

I don't know about you, but I look at the list of potential candidates and I couldn't be more disuaded. Yet, when the time comes I will choose one and vote. None of them right now are inciting any passion in my heart to vote for them. The debates were about as boring as you could get. Softball questions and everyone getting along. The only thing they all agreed on was that the other party was bad. Like we didn't know this would be their opinion right? Obama has raised more Money than Hillary but she leads him in the polls. I wouldn't trust the polls if I were looking for my Democratic Candidate (I am not a Democrat). There is a saying around motorcycle shops though "Money talks, bullshit walks". If Obama continues to raise more money than the Clinton Machine I would say he has a better chance of being elected than Hillary and therefore Hillary should "walk". Both of these candidates scare the hell out of me though for various reasons. Neither will get my vote of course because of their far-left agenda. Just as I would not vote for someone with a far-right agenda. Obama seems more "Presidential" than Hillary by far though. He has the image, the voice and the intelligence that when compared to Hillary puts her to shame. I do not like where he stands on abortion and I do not like that there are some strong questions about his church. One of the places a man gets his values is from the church he attends. I have heard nothing good about his church, but again, I haven't been there. No, I don't see either of these people in office.

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