Monday, July 2, 2007

Congressional Updates

House Squeezes Private Tax Collectors: H.R.2829 allots $1 million for private debt collection this is $6 million short of what the IRS requested. It is written so that it prohibits funds from being used to implement an executive order giving the president greater power over the federal rule-making process. It also provides $1.6 million for White House maintenance and restoration projects. They are still working on this bill and will continue after the July 4th Recess.

Bee's: Bees are the primary pollinators of America’s food crops and they are dying out. In comes bill (S.1694) attempting to fund research to figure out why. The study of "colony collapse" investigates a little understood phenomenon in which worker bees in a Western honey bee colony abruptly disappear.

Ethics Reform Stalls: Although the House and Senate passed legislation to overhaul lobbying and ethics rules, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) threw a wrench in the works by blocking Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) attempt to name conferees. McConnell made his cooperation conditional upon a vote on a separate bill (S.223) that would require electronic filing of campaign finance reports.

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