Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Satan's Plan

Satan’s Plan (As I see it)
Of course this is just part of his numerous fronts in his war against mankind. I think his biggest secret is like Al Pacino said in “The Devils Advocate” when he said “Never let em see you coming”. The longer we ignore Satan and the more people that do ignore him, the better off he is.
1. Create a culture of debt.
Using the advertising culture he entices people to buy bigger cars, boats, jet-skis, RVs etc. You cannot sit at home at night without seeing an advertisement for something that you will eventually want. Then you trade in that perfectly good car that you have for a more expensive model because “you deserve it” right? This then puts you into more debt. Keep this up and eventually you create a situation where both parents have to work in order to sustain their lifestyle.
2. With both parents out of the house all day working the kids have to go somewhere. We then send them to daycare or school where they spend most of their day away from family influence and values that the parents would choose for their children to have. This should scare the hell out of the liberals out there because now the Government is dictating what values will be taught in the daycares and the schools. It should also scare the conservatives because Satan has seen to it that Prayer or any mention of Christ in a Government setting is condemned if not outright illegal.
3. Now let’s say I buy that new boat that I saw advertised. I show it off. I take it for a few spins. I park it proudly in my driveway. Actually hoping others envy what I have. When it does, it plays right back into Satan’s plan. It causes others to envy what they see on the surface and repeat the process. They don’t see the bills I pay or the fact that now I have a second job. They want more and the reach out and grab it thus putting them into the same increased debt situation.
4. Now let’s say I tithe. I believe the Tithe is important because it allows the Church to do the things that we are called to do. Money is nothing more than a resource to do God’s work. Now that I have succumbed to the advertising and purchased a boat I find that Gas, insurance, skis, tow ropes, lifejackets, coolers etc are all more expensive than I originally thought. Now I can’t just let my boat sit in the driveway can I? Of course not! So I justify that I can cut my Tithe and gas up the boat this afternoon. This way I spend time with my family! Isn’t that what God wants? Doesn’t he want me to spend more time with my family? See where I’m going? It causes a dilemma of faith when it comes to Tithing. Satan gets a second and third win here as now he has corrupted your faithful giving and taken resources from the Church. You know the Church, it’s that place you tell yourself the guy on the street corner holding up the sign should go for help. You know they have food there, after all, you Tithe right? Or at least you used to.
I welcome comments on how to beat this cycle.

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