Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Immigration Reform

I will say this about our President. He is loyal! He has pretty much stuck up for anyone who has helped him in the past. I don't think thats a bad trait. Remember G.W. is from Texas and owns a ranch. He speaks the local lingo there and has many friends in the hispanic community. For this reason I beleive is why he supports this Immigration Reform Bill. He knows the culture and is loyal to his friends. If your from that area, you know its not a bad culture. It's a culture of strong family ties, Christian beliefs and a hard work ethic. I want them to become Americans but I think we would all be at a loss if we forced that culture to die somehow. The various cultures we have in America are one of the things I love about this country.
I am originally from South Texas and am familiar with the culture there. I also had many friends down there and I would hazard to guess that many of them were Illegal Aliens. I have mixed feelings about this whole issue really. On one hand I do want our borders secure. I am definitely in favor of people coming to our country through legal means. On the other hand, I cannot blame someone for wanting to come to America to better provide for their family. After all this is the land of opportunity.
I guess you have to ask yourself if you are first an American Citizen? or are you first a Global Citizen? As Americans we have a great way of life. Can we blame others for wanting a part of that? As a Global Citizen you would want everyone to have the same opportunities that we have in America. Make no mistake, I am very patriotic but I have seen what other countries are like in my travels. I have lived overseas for over half of my life but I prefer living in the United States.
I have written my Congressman and Senators and told them to Secure the Borders first, then let's figure out what to do with the people we have here. Common sense says that in a sinking boat you stop the leak first, then get the water out of the boat. To date only two miles of the "Border Fence" has been built. Wasn't this a big issue during the last election? Americans told Congress what they want, Congress approved it, the Senate approved it and now its still not getting done? What is holding this up? It could be done in six months if we made it happen. Why are we dragging our feet on this?

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