Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Our Candidates (The Republicans)

So, we have Rudy, Fred, John and Mitt. Tough choices for the Republicans. From a conservative prospective none of these guys look bad. All are strong on defense and they seem to promote family values. Stong point here is none of them are involved in any congressional investigations at this time. I am not throwing my support at anyone yet because if they were to read my blog they might get in touch with me and say "Stop Supporting me, your ruining my poll numbers".
Rudy - Knows how to be a leader. Did a great job as Mayor of NY prior to and during 911. He can get things done and is man enough to stand up to the bad guys when necessary. When those supporting the bad guys offered NY financial aid Rudy basically told them to pack sand. Any Man would admire that action.
Fred - Great actor, well spoken. Has Senatorial Experience. Probably has some Hollywood and Media pull. He has the image of the "Wise Man Grandfather Type" who seems to have the welcome wisdom that this country subconsciously wants in office.
John - Has the experience and the Leadership. This guy is ready to do the job from Day One in office.
Mitt - Articulate, Polished and Intelligent. I think the Christian Right is going to be his downfall though since he is Mormon. Shame, cause I think he would make a fine President. There are a lot of people who see Mormonism as a "Cult". This is why I don't see this guy getting the presidency or even the nomination.